The publisher of the website (hereafter « ») is the company The Moneytizer, a limited liability company with a capital of 125 000 euros, whose headquarters are located 27 rue Mogador, 75009 Paris, registered at the RCS Nanterre under the number 800 925 356. The Moneytizer offers its advertising spaces marketing for advertising purposes, through a platform accessible on This platform, whose Terms and Conditions are defined hereafter, allows the publishers to define and implement their sales strategy for the advertising spaces available on their websites. The use of website is submit to acceptance by the user of the totality of the present Terms and Conditions, as set forth below. The users declare having read, understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions and having full legal capacity to consent to it. If the user is a minor or a legally incapacitated adult, the user declares having received the authorization of his or her parent or person having parental authority, guardian or conservator. The Moneytizer reserves the right to revise the Terms and Conditions of website, at any time and without notice. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Terms and Conditions on this website. All copyrights in and to website, as well as to any web page or document published therein, are the property of The Moneytizer Any copyright infringement will be subject to prosecutions. The Moneytizer does not authorize any use of its website, services and data except as authorized here in. Any unauthorized use will lead to the immediate termination of the business relationship between the parties, without reimbursement of any sums paid. The Moneytizer reserves the right to take all legal action if it considers being a victim of any harm whatsoever caused by any conduct in violation of these Terms and Conditions, and in particular any commercial use or mining of its database (mining and/or collection of data on the users of, etc.).
The is a scalable website and The Moneytizer may modify it in whole or in part at any time or in its entirety, and without notice. The Moneytizer may also, at any time and without notice, improve and/or modify the services described on the website. modificationsAny such changes shall be brought to the user’s knowledge by being placed online and are deemed to be accepted by the user without reservations as of that moment.
The Moneytizer offers to sell advertising space to potential advertisers advertisers on behalf of all website publishers (hereafter « the Publisher »). Any natural or-legal person wishing to benefit from the services offered by must first sign up and create an account.
To sign-up users need to fill out a form which includes compulsory notices, and in particularly :
• Give the address of the head office if a legal person is involved, or the address of the website’s Publisher if a natural person is involved;
• Indicate the name of the company which publishes the website, as well as the name of the person authorized by it to enter into a contract with The Moneytizer. If the Publisher of the website is a natural person, they should indicate their first and last names ;
• Indicate as applicable, the intra-Community VAT number and the SIRENE number;
• In all cases, banking information including the IBAN(Bank Account Number) must be given for the monthly payment of amounts owed on the basissums of the advertising campaigns set up by The Moneytizer on the Publisher’s website.;
• Indicate the name of the website as well as its URL ;
• Indicate the purpose of the website;
• Indicate the site usage statistics(average number of pages seen every month, average number of unique visitors per month);
• Confirm that the website complies with applicable laws and regulations, including decency requirements, and that it no content that is against human dignity, or that could be deemed as racist, xenophobic or pedophilic in nature;
• Confirm that the website is not a simple « personal » homepage, or a website whose access is restricted by the use of a password or a peer-to-peer website or a community platform.;
• Indicate a password.
By clicking on a dedicated link the user acknowledges having read and accepted these Terms and Conditions. Signing up for is free of charge.
Once the sign-up request has been sent, The Moneytizer will verify that the Publisher’s website is eligible to access’s platform. The Moneytizer reserves the right to refuse access to its platform to any website that does not fulfill the above conditions, or that isn’t deemed likely, based on its marketing policies, to interest advertisers.
An email will be sent to the Publisher to confirm the user’s sign-up, as well as the creation of a user account on Confirmation of a sign-up in no way constitutes any form of approval or validation of the website Publisher’s editorial content.
Subject to the following notices, the definition of the advertising strategy is based on the platform accessible through the website.
a) The Moneytizer is free to ask advertisers or advertising networks of its choice to insert ads onto the Publisher’s website.
b) By default, or absent clear indications, or choices made by the Publisher, The Moneytizer will be free to offer advertisers any space available on the Publisher’s website, including in all IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) formats such as banners, mid page units, skyscrapers, videos, packaging, native advertising, text links, buttons etc. Also in any existing and future formats. However, based on the options offered on, the Publisher will be able to choose which formats are displayed on there webpage.
c) The Moneytizer, is free to choose the pricing system for ad campaigns with the advertiser and/or advertising network, whether it be through commonly used measurements, such as Cost Per Thousand (CPT), Cost Per Click (CPC), Cost per Lead (CPL), or Cost Per Action (CPA), according to the performance etc., as well as through any existing or future pricing system.
d) The relationship between The Moneytizer and the Publisher is non-exclusive. The Publisher is not under any duty of exclusivity,and is free to entrust the advertising management of his website to other service providers. Conversely,The Moneytizer is free to manage advertising communication websitefor any and all websites.
The Publisher will set up tags on his website, from the website, enabling the broadcasting of adverts and collection of the browsing data of website visitors . To this end, the Publisher agrees to install any programming or solution needed by the ads. The Publisher may remove the tags propose by The Moneytizer at any moment, if they appear contrary to his editorial policy.
The Publisher will receive a compensation, the amount of which is calculated based on the sums paid by advertisers or advertising networks to The Moneytizer. This compensation is calculated according to different factors but will not be less than 70% of the pre-tax amount billed by The Moneytizer to its advertisers.The Publisher expressly accepts that payments will only be made by The Moneytizer after it has been paid itself. By subscribing to the services on’s platform, the Publisher expressly accepts, for the duration of the business relationship :
a) The principle of self-billing (§289 I-2 of the French Tax Code), meaning that the Publisher authorizes the company The Moneytizer to issue an invoice at the end of each month, in the name and on behalf of the Publisher, whenever his account balance shows a credit of €50 or more. VAT will be added to sums due whenever applicable. If an invoice of $5000 or more is generated The Moneytizer reserves the right to request proof of ownership of the digital property(s) before issuing payment.
b) The principle of formatthe electronic format of the invoices issued by The Moneytizer, each invoice being accessible online via the interface. In any case, the Publisher can view the ads broadcasted as well as their yield from his user account.
Invoices may be disputed within 15 days of their issue. Otherwise they will be deemed in compliant and will be binding on the parties. In case of a dispute within 15 days of the invoice’s issue, the Publisher will make any corrections it deems appropriate and submit a corrected invoice to The Moneytizer, at the following address: 27 rue Mogador, 75009 Paris FRANCE. Invoices are payable 60 days after the invoice date. It is up to the Publisher to pay the VAT and fulfill all of his tax obligations with the relevant authorities.
Payments are not currently being made to publishers in the following countries:
Burkina Faso
Cayman Islands
The Moneytizer is commited in making its best efforts in order to find advertisers interested in buying ad space on the Publisher’s website. The Moneytizer agrees to pay the Publisher his share of the income generated, under the above conditions, once The Moneytizer has been paid for its services by the advertisers. Unless these obligations are complied with, the Publisher may terminate to their business relationship with The Moneytizer.
The Publisher agrees to update any personal information concerning him or change the company’s details on his user account in order for The Moneytizer to correctly edit the Publisher’s invoices. Once registered on platform, the Publisher agrees not to substantially modify the contents or pages of his website unless the Publisher has previously notified The Moneytizer by sending it an email at the following address:
Operating criteria: If the revenue generated by the Publisher is less than or equal to $5 excl. tax per month (excluding referral), The Moneytizer reserves the right to close his or her account at any time.
For all publishers registered on the platform after March 11, 2024
Any client of The Moneytizer is required to notify its intention to terminate our collaboration at least 30 days before the effective date of termination. If this notice period is not respected, revenues generated during the last collaboration period may not be remunerated in accordance with current contractual agreements. This rule is designed to ensure a smooth transition for all parties involved.
A drop in traffic/ad requests on the publisher's account of 80% or more is considered as a termination of collaboration without notification.
The Publisher may remove The Moneytizer ad tags at any moment, if they appear contrary to his editorial policy. In this case, the Publisher must justify his actions in writing to the following email address:
The Editor undertakes to ensure that the content of his website complies with the laws and regulations, that it does not contain any statement likely to offend human dignity or racist, sexual, xenophobic or pedophilic, that it is not contrary to morality etc..
If the content of a publisher proves to be illegal or fraudulent, The Moneytizer reserves the right to stop working with this publisher or to adjust its commission or payment in order to avoid any possible commercial prejudice with its partners.
The Publisher is expressly informed that cookies may be installed by The Moneytizer’s partners on the computers or smartphones of its users via the advertising spaces set up by this company. Through these cookies, The Moneytizer partners may collect and process personal information about users of the Publisher’s website within the means of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the April 27, 2016 says « GDPR ». In accordance with the laws and texts in force, the use of cookies requires prior information and consent of users of the website visited. This consent must be obtained through a clear affirmative action such as ticking an acceptance box or choosing privacy settings or preferences through a configuration menu. This obligation to inform and request consent is the sole responsibility of the Publisher, and this notwithstanding the various tools that may be made available by The Moneytizer Company to help it comply with the requirements of applicable legislation.
Consequently, the Publisher expressly undertakes to:
• Inform its users of its own policy in terms of the use of cookies, where appropriate by the presence of confidentiality rules and Terms and Conditions sample on its website,
• Inform users that the Publisher’s advertising network and its various partners may put cookies on their computer via the Publisher’s website,
• Gather the clear and unambiguous consent of its users for the use of cookies; the request for consent must be written in clear and simple terms and with all the information necessary to enable the person to act knowingly;
• Inform users of their ability to change their mind and change their choice at any time.
De façon générale, l’Editeur est responsable du respect de la loi et des textes en vigueur s’agissant de la collecte des données à caractère personnel de ses utilisateurs via les espaces publicitaires mis en place sur son site Internet par la société The Moneytizer. In general, the Publisher is responsible for compliance with the law and the texts in force regarding the collection of personal data of its users via the advertising space set up on its website by The Moneytizer.
The Publisher represents owning the intellectual property rights permitting the publication of his website, and that he is free to publish all contents, texts and images contained herein. The Publisher authorizes The Moneytizer to register him with all its advertising partners. \As a general principle, the Publisher agrees to hold harmless and indemnify The Moneytizer, from any and all liability arising out of any breach of law by the Publisher. \The Moneytizer may suspend or remove the Publisher’s user account and end the contractual relationship with the Publisher in case of failure to comply with, or breach by the latter of, any of the above obligations. \The Moneytizer also reserves the right to take legal action to defend its interests.
The Moneytizer is only bound by an « obligation of « best efforts as far as the continuity of its services, as offered on the website, are concerned. The Moneytizer is not bound by any obligation to achieve a specific result, except when it comes to paying the Publisher his share once the advertisers have made the corresponding payments. Given the nature of the services offered by the platform, The Moneytizer disclaims any and all liability for direct or indirect damages caused by loss of data or the accidental spread of viruses, malfunctions on the publisher’s website due to the insertion of advertisement tags, or unlawful conduct. Due to website updates or maintenance, The Moneytizer may suspend access to the for a few hours or days, without incurring any liability in respect of any such suspension. The same applies should in case is permanently shut down. As a general principle, The Moneytizer will make its best efforts to ensure the continuity of the service offered from platform, and remedy any inconveniences caused by an interruption or by the setting -up of advertisement tags. The user is solely responsible for his data, and for the confidential nature of his account and password. In case of loss of password, will issue a new password.
The Moneytizer processes data in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, known as « GDPR », relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the processing of personal data. the free circulation of these data. The privacy policy of the website is to indicate what information is collected by the company The Moneytizer, for what reasons, and how to update, manage, export and delete them. The privacy policy of the site is subject to change. Any changes made will appear on this page.
When registering on the, the user provides some personal information. The information provided is intended to allow users to make the most of the content of the platform. Any required field or information is marked with an asterisk (*). Is basic information such as the first and last names of users, phone number, postal address, email address and banking information such as a bank account, PayPal credentials etc. (In the event of the subscription of a company on, the type of corporation, the DUNS numbers and VAT are collected). These are intended to ensure the effectiveness of the registration of users on the website and thus allow them to benefit from the services offered by the company The Moneytizer. The Moneytizer is also likely to collect information about devices from which users access the services offered on, such as the IP address of their computer. These allow the company The Moneytizer to know the origin of visitors.
Personal data may be used in the following cases:
• to contact users for commercial, administrative or legal reasons ;
• for statistical and commercial analysis, to test the systems ;
• for user surveys and communication with customer service representatives.
Communication and direct marketing The Moneytizer may send newsletters, promotional offers, general information about the site usage and activity, and on its services, by letter or email. However, the user is free to accept this type of communication or not by stating his choice when registering. In each subsequent digital communication, the users will be free to indicate that they no longer wish to receive this kind of communication. The Publisher expressly consents to The Moneytizer indicating on and in its communication operations the name of the Publisher’s website, and that his website is affiliated with’s platform. The Moneytizer may disclose your [personal data/personal information] to our third party services providers and partners who process [personal data/personal information] for content customization, personalization, ad selection, ad delivery, reporting and measurement purposes.
The Moneytizer Company is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. In particular, it undertakes not to disclose personal information to third parties for commercial purposes and systematically opposes any request to this effect regarding access to the files of its users. In order to allow the users to benefit, in an effective way, from the services proposed on (implementation of the advertising tags on their website), the company The Moneytizer transmits certain personal information regarding them (name, first name, phone number, address) to its partners (SSP), for the sole purpose of verifying the identity of the Editors by said partners. In general, users’ personal data are protected in order to respect the current legislation as scrupulously as possible. The Moneytizer thus follows strict security procedures for storing and disclosing the information at its disposal. These security procedures include ensuring the identity of the interlocutors before disclosing sensitive information concerning users of the website
Cookies are small text files saved onto the user’s hard drive through the web browser, in order to recognize the browser and follow the website’s visitors.
The cookies used on do not detect any personal information stored on users’ computers. website uses cookies in order to improve its services and offer special features that may be useful to its website uses cookies for the following purposes:
• to recognize the user’s browser and to remember the user’s preferences during his or her last visit to;
• to track the website’s overall metrics (number of pages viewed, page view time, landing and exit pages, etc.), so as to continually improve the content provided on
Three types of cookies are used by The Moneytizer on its website:
(i) Authentication cookies (allowing users to access their account and maintain their session),
(ii) Audience measurement and analytics cookies (which provide anonymous statistics of visits to the website,
(iii) Functional cookies that allow users to browse and take advantage of certain features such as using the site’s instant messenger.
The Moneytizer company only places cookies on the hard disk of its users after having received their authorization. Users may decide to accept or reject these cookies.
The Moneytizer’s cookies are active for a fixed period of thirteen (13) months, after which they disappear from the users’ computer and a new request for consent is sent to them.
Users also have the option of setting up the deposit of cookies on their computer directly from their web browser.
Indeed, most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but users can configure their browser to refuse them if they want to.
In most browsers, the « help » section in the toolbar will explain how to block new cookies, configure the browser so that it will warn the user of any new cookies, or deactivate all cookies.
For more information about cookies or how to block them, visit:
The French General Data Protection Regulation (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés : CNIL) also provides them with an explanatory sheet on the tools used to limit the traces of their Web browsing from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers (https: //www.cnil .com / en / cookies-the-tools-for-master).
Users are informed that by refusing the deposit of functionality cookies on the hard disk of their computer or by setting their web browser in a way to prevent their deposit, their navigation on the site is likely to be corrupted or prevented (making it impossible to create a user account, to benefit from the services proposed on, to use the instant messaging of the website etc.).
Under Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended by Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, known as « GDPR », users have the right of access, opposition, rectification and / or deletion of information concerning them and that they may communicate in connection with the use of the website and services offered.Users may exercise the rights referred above directly from their account on the website or by sending their request to The Moneytizer (indicating their e-mail address, last name, first name, postal address), by postal mail to the following address: 27 rue Mogador, 75009 Paris, France or by e-mail to the following address: person in charge of the protection of the personal data of the users of the website is Mr Mickaël Ferreira, CEO:
In addition, users are informed that they have the possibility to file a complaint with the authority responsible for ensuring compliance with personal data protection legislation and thus to get help to assert their rights. In France, the competent supervisory authority is:
La Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)
3, place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715
75334 Paris Cedex 07
Such. : +33 1 53 73 22 22
Fax: +33 1 53 73 22 00
This confidentiality policy only applies to websites that are owned and managed by The Moneytizer. It does not apply to links to other websites, nor, consequently, to the information collected, or to the use of cookies by the third parties who manage those websites. Individual organizations apply their own confidentiality policies as far as the use and marketing of personal information and cookies is concerned. In case of doubt on the use of personal information in other websites, users are advised to read their confidentiality policies. Contact the relevant company if their policy is not available online. All data collected by third party websites are stored entirely separately by the third party.
French law shall be the governing law. Unless otherwise provided by law, the courts of competent jurisdiction shall be the Paris courts.