Category Archives: Programmatic: the technologies

Programmatic: We explain everything about online advertising technologies and how they work:
– Lazy loading
– Ads refresh

How does Smart Refresh work?

Smart Refresh

Do you know about Smart Refresh? If you are monetizing your website using online advertising, you are certainly always looking for new ways to increase your ad revenues. You can do so by optimizing your website, but there are other ways. Platforms like The Moneytizer don’t only offer to display banners, they help you boost your revenues thanks to various technologies. Want to know more? 

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Lazy Loading Explanation

Lazy Loading Explanation

Lazy loading is a technique which allows the display of ads when the users scroll a web page. This way, they are more likely to see them. The ads located above the fold are immediately visible whereas the ones below won’t be displayed from the beginning. 

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DSP, SSP, Ad Exchange… Online advertising explained

DSP, SSP, Ad Exchange… Online advertising explained

Did you know that a few years ago online advertising was more complex? Buying and selling ad spaces between advertisers and publishers could take up to a couple of weeks. Traveling to meet in real life, phone canvassing… It seems like ages ago when you look at the current situation and the technologic means that we now have to help the concretisation of transactions.  Fortunately, automated processes facilitate exchanges, when it used to take so long. 

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Everything you need to know about CPM

Everything you need to know about CPM

“CPM, CPC, CPA… what does it mean?” There are many types of pricing. If you’re looking to monetize your website, you must have heard of it. But do you really know how it works and how to optimize it? At The Moneytizer, we are CPM enthusiasts and we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about CPM…

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