FAQ The Moneytizer

What is a CMP/consent banner?

💡 A CMP (Consent Management Platform) has become an essential tool for publishers whom wish to be compliant with the GDPR legislation.

If your website has even a small percentage of traffic coming from the European Union, a CMP(Consent banner) is essential for advertising.

This consent banner allows publishers to collect and interpret the consent given by there audience.

Once the publisher collects the consent, he or she will be able to begin advertising on the website.

To help publishers in their compliance, The Moneytizer has developed a partnership with the company Quantcast and offers a free consent banner that is continuously updated according to the latest GDPR regulation.

🔥 **IMPORTANT**: The Moneytizer ads are conditional on visitor consent. This means that ads will not be displayed if no CMP is present on your site.

Displaying a consent banner on your website is simple! You just have to integrate the code from your dashboard/Moneybox in the section of your pages.

If you are using our WordPress plugin, we offer a automatic integration which simplifies the process even more.

If you think you already have a CMP set up, make sure:

  • that this CMP is part of the official list accepted by the TCFv2
  • that all The Moneytizer partners "Vendors" are added into it to make sure you get the best monetization possible. If your CMP doesn’t have all of our vendors, it could negatively impact advertising revenue for your website.