3 ways to optimize your website and increase your revenue

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3 ways to optimize your website and increase your revenue

Did you know that a few small changes on your website can have a big impact on your revenues? If your website isn’t properly optimized, you could lose part of your potential benefits. Indeed, research shows that 90% of the websites using AdSense aren’t optimized to the maximum. Let’s analyze 3 ways to optimize your website to increase your ad revenues. 

Create a blog to optimize your website

Advertisers prefer to see their ads on websites that have a blog. Blogs are often updated and most pages are SEO-friendly. With a high ranking, blogs generate more traffic and therefore, more revenues. It is important to display your ads in an article which has a lot of traffic. We will help you determine the most strategic placement. 

One of the keys would be to optimize your traffic

Increase the loading speed of your website

The longer the loading, the quicker your visitors will leave your website. This will not only reduce your traffic, it will also reduce your ad revenues. 

Make sure your images are optimized for your website and don’t take too much space. 

As a bonus, you’ll find a few tips here to increase the visiting time on your website

Focus on your blog theme for a more efficient advertising

If your website is focused on a niche, chances are the ads will match it, which will also likely increase the number of clicks on them. If your website tackles various topics, you will attract a large and varied audience. This may seem like a good thing but it makes it harder to target the ads. With some many interests, it will be tough knowing which ad to display. 

Furthermore, focusing on one topic will enable you to attract visitors with the same passions, needs or state of mind. 

That’s a good way to increase your ad revenues. 

If you’re still feeling lost or thinking that you are missing out on part of your revenues, let us help. We make sure you display the ad units that match your website. Contact us today!


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