Every definition about the advertising industry

Understanding the definitions of words coming from the advertising industry can be confusing. This guide will give you the basics of what you need to know. By understanding the meaning of these words, you can better understand how advertising works and how to use it to your advantage. So let's get started!

  • CPA (Cost per Action)

    Used in performance-based campaigns, this is a compensation model carried out following an action performed by a user such as a purchase or a registration.

  • CPC (Cost per Click)

    Remuneration model based on the number of clicks on an ad that generates traffic to the advertiser's site.

  • CPL/PPL (Cost/Pay per Lead)

    A lead is defined as a website visitor who registers or shares information in order to obtain an offer, either free or paid. To be simple, someone interested by the products or services.

  • CPM (Cost par Mille (Latin word for Thousand)

    Cost per thousand ad impressions delivered.

  • CSV File

    Widely used Excel file format (data visualization and analysis tool).

  • CTA (Call to Action)

    Button on a site or landing page to send visitors to an offer. It can be placed in different places on the page.

  • Capping

    A parameter that allows you to manage the frequency of exposure of a user to an advertisement over a given period (session, campaign duration, etc.). This requires the use of cookies.

  • Clearing price

    Final price paid by the DSP in the case that the impression is displayed.

  • Click Fraud

    Generating unwanted traffic to advertised sites, either through bots (computer programs that send repetitive requests) or manually. This means that advertisers pay for traffic that does not come from real users.

  • Click ID

    Used to authenticate where a click comes from in the traffic.

  • Click-Through

    When a user clicks on a link or advertisement on the site.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)

    Percentage of users who visit the site by clicking on the ads displayed.

  • Commission

    Remuneration specific to intermediaries, usually in the form of a percentage.

  • Contextual Advertising

    Technique that consists in displaying advertisements in connection with the content on a site.

  • Conversion

    When the goal of the site is fulfilled. A conversion can be a purchase or a registration for example.

  • Conversion Rate (CR Percentage)

    Metric to determine the conversion on the site from the total number of visitors to the web page. By dividing the number of target actions by the ad impressions and multiplying the result by 100, we get the conversion percentage.

  • Cookie

    A method of recording data about site visitors, which can later be used to determine the time spent on the site and the location of the visitor.

  • Cost Models

    Different traffic payment methods ranging from action, click or impression.

  • Crawlers

    Allows you to identify the URLs and hyperlinks (web pages) of the website that should be visited.